Kalonji Seeds:16 Reasons Why You Should Add it to your diet?

What are Kalonji Seeds?

Kalonji seeds, scientifically known as Nigella Sativa, are sometimes referred to as black seeds or black cumin seeds.The annual blooming plant Kalonji (Nigella Sativa) reaches a height of 20 to 90 cm and has finely split leaf segments.The fruit is a big, inflated capsule made up of three to seven connected follicles, each of which has many seeds inside of it.

Muslims view Kalonji Seeds as one of the best types of medicinal treatment accessible. Additionally, Kalonji seeds are recommended for consistent use in Tibb-e-Nabwi (Prophetic Medicine) .It is the Kalonji Seeds referred to by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who once stated, “The black seed can heal every disease, except death”.

For generations, people all around the world have utilized  Kalonji seeds and its oil to treat a variety of illnesses. This flowering plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean regions and Asia. It is a plant that is utilized medicinally all over the world. These seeds have been utilized for their numerous health advantages and culinary applications.

Because of its multiple applications, It has been given the Arabic term “Habbatul barakah,” which means “the seed of blessing.”They are nutrient-rich and may offer a number of health advantages which is discussed in this article.

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Active Compounds 

The most significant active chemicals in Kalonji are :

Thymoquinone (30%-48%)

Thymohydroquinone, D


P-cymene (7%-15%)

Carvacrol (6%-12%),

4-terpineol (2%-7%),

T-anethol (1%-4%)

Sesquiterpene longifolene (1%-8%)

α-pinene and Thymol

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These seeds are regarded as a plant based superfood because of their potent therapeutic qualities. Super foods” are noteworthy due to the multitude of bioactive substances they contain. Numerous studies have revealed the potential health benefits of ” Kalonji Seeds” .

Flavonoids and thymoquinones, two bioactive chemicals included in kalonji seeds, have anticancer, antihyperglycemic, antioxidant, and numerous other health-promoting qualities, which makes it a Superfood. Kalonji seeds are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, salt, amino acids, and crude fiber.

Kalonji Seeds are a great source of several vitamins, including A, B, C, B12, and niacin. The oil from kalonji seeds is considerably better than other oils since it contains essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.

 Cognitive Enhancer

These seeds are utilized to enhance memory, focus, and cognitive function. Take these seeds on an empty stomach once a day to enhance cognitive function.These seeds have modulatory effects on cognition, mood, and anxiety.
It has been suggested that neuroinflammation, or inflammation of the brain tissue, may contribute to the development of diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Kalonji seeds can help reduce this inflammation. Kalonji seeds are also found to reduce frequency of seizure attacks in Epilepsy Patients.

Rich in Antioxidants

Kalonji seeds are a high source of antioxidants. The free radicals that can cause cancer are neutralized by these antioxidants hence they have anticancer properties and improve the body’s Defense system.

Immune Modulators

Kalonji Seeds are known to be Immune modulators and some studies show that these seeds play a vital role in treating patients with Allergy related disorders like Asthma, Allergic rhinitis and eczema.

A study conducted on forty female patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis who were given 500 mg of Kalonji Seed oil capsules twice a day for a month found that the use of Kalonji Seed oil capsules significantly reduced the activity score of the disease and its symptoms, which may be related to its immune system modulatory effect.

The health benefits of these Seeds on patients’ immune systems , were confirmed by another study on patients with inhalation allergies.

Benefits for Hypertension

Kalonji seeds are found to have anti-hypertensive effect , the intake of these seeds was reported to decrease both the systolic and the diastolic BP in patients with High Blood Pressure.

 Antidiabetic Properties

People with diabetes appear to have better blood sugar levels when they take kalonji seeds orally on a daily basis. Kalonji has been used to treat a number of chronic illnesses, including diabetes. The anti-diabetic properties of  these Seeds and their main bioactive ingredient, thymoquinone, have been shown in several animal and clinical trials.

The antidiabetic effect of these Seeds has been attributed to a number of processes, including reduced insulin resistance, accelerated β-cell proliferation, increased pancreatic insulin secretion, decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis, increased glucose absorption, and reduced oxidative stress.

These seeds can be used as an adjuvant therapy by diabetic patients, potentially lowering the dosage and side effects of current antidiabetic medications.Patients with type 2 diabetes who consume these seeds have a negligible decrease in insulin and insulin resistance and also showed a significant reduction in their HbA1c levels.

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Gastroprotective SubstancesBecause Kalonji seeds are high in fiber, they aid in digestion and enhance gut health. According to studies these seeds are composed of 7-94% of fiber which is helpful for preventing constipation and regulating digestive health. A study suggests that consuming these seeds with honey might greatly alleviate dyspepsia symptoms and lower the incidence of H Pylori infection in those who have it.

Antiobesity Effect

In obese men and women, Kalonji Seeds use may result in weight loss. Kalonji seeds have lipid-modifying, hypoglycemic, and weight-lowering properties, which make it a potential useful treatment for people with metabolic syndrome.

Benefits for Reproductive Health

Kalonji seeds have an excitatory effect on testosterone and an inhibitory effect on prolactin, which makes them potentially useful for improving sexual health. These seeds can also encourage spermatogenesis. It so provides a good option for treating male infertility.

Antimicrobial Effects

Patients with HIV and the hepatitis C virus have been found to benefit from kalonji seeds; their liver function improved and their viral load dropped after taking it. It has also been discovered that these seeds contain antiparasitic properties.

Topical Analgesic Properties

Kalonji Seeds are found to have have potent analgesia in it. Women who suffer with recurrent breast pain during their reproductive years responded significantly to topical application of Kalonji seed oil therapy, with no side effects.

Kalonji Seeds Role in Dermatology

Studies show that using Kalonji Seeds helps people with celiac disease improve their dermatitis herpetiformis, lessen vitiligo lesions, and soothe eczema lesions.

Hepatoprotective Agents

It has been discovered that kalonji seeds enhance liver function in hepatitis C virus patients and lessen hepatotoxicity when ceratin hepatotoxic medication is taken.

Kalonji Seeds Regulate Lipid Profile

Lipid abnormalities are responsible for one-third of deaths worldwide, for heart disease (56% of cases) and myocardial infarction (18% of cases). Patients with dyslipidemia have a modified lipid profile after consuming kalonji seeds.

Nephroprotective Agents

Certain clinical trials have shown that Kalonji seeds have a nephro-protective impact on patients.Because these seeds reduce serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, as it has antioxidant activity, hence they have a nephroprotective effect on the body.

Energy Boosters

In “The Canon of Medicine,” Avicenna makes reference to black seeds, which boost the body’s energy and aid in the healing process after exhaustion and depression.

How should one take Kalonji to reap its advantages?

There are numerous methods for incorporating kalonji into your diet. Since it’s frequently used in South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine, you can sprinkle this over your regular meals.
Moreover, some consume the seeds uncooked on an empty stomach or combine them with water or honey.

They can also be included in yogurt, smoothies, and porridge
Additionally, the oil is used topically as a home remedy that claims to promote hair growth, lessen inflammation, and cure specific skin issues such as eczema and vitiligo.
Additionally, it also comes in form of supplements  in softgel or pill form for a rapid and concentrated kalonji dose.

How many Seeds ought to be consumed?

Doses of 1.5 to 3 g of powder, 5 mL of oil, and 100 mg of Kalonji extract every day for a maximum of three months.


Kalonji Seeds
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In summary, research has demonstrated the numerous beneficial effects of Kalonji seeds in the management of a variety of illnesses, including metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory conditions.

The biological activities and therapeutic potential of these seeds have been thoroughly investigated. The results have demonstrated a broad range of properties, including diuretic, anti-epileptic, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory, anticancer, and antimicrobial effects, as well as anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, and antioxidant qualities.

These seeds are very easy to add to your routine,these seeds can be consumed in regular meals or oil as topical application and also can be taken as Medicine in form of pill to get its potential advantages.These seeds have been used in traditional medicine to manage pain.

These seeds may also help in weight loss.
It may also assist in maintaining better heart health.
For the most part, Kalonji seeds appear to be safe, though more research is needed to confirm these promising health benefits.

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