Surprising Facts about Sun Tan and Its Cure

What is Sun Tan?

A sun tan, sometimes called solar melanosis, is a darkening of the skin brought on by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This natural reaction of the skin to shield itself from additional UV exposure is the darkening.



Signs and Symptoms


Sun tan indications and symptoms include:

Skin may feel warm or sensitive to the touch

Darkening of the skin, especially in sun-exposed areas like face , neck hands and feet

An increase in freckles or pigmentation;-A rough, dry, or leathery texture to the skin


How does that take place?

UVA rays reach the lower layers of the epidermis, where they cause the production of melanin by melanocytes, a kind of cell. The brown pigment responsible for tanning is called melanin. The body uses melanin to shield skin from heat.
Because they have more melanin in their skin, people with darker skin will tan more quickly. Because the sun causes cells called melanocytes to generate melanin, which darkens skin, this could cause them to become more tanned.



Reasons of Sun tan include:

Extended sun exposure

Genetic propensity to a darker skin tone

Hormonal changes, such as those brought on by pregnancy or specific medical conditions


How to get rid of it?

Use Sunscreen:


For those who wonder if sunscreen will take away their tan? Sunscreen helps stop further tanning and skin damage, but it does not eliminate an already-developed tan.

For optimal protection, apply sunscreen at least 15 to 20 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours. Sun damage indicators, such as black spots, sunburns, and skin tanning, are protected by high SPF (e.g. 40).

Although there is no need for treatment, there are methods to lessen the appearance of sun tan: –

Regularly exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells. Apply moisturizer to the skin to make it softer and more hydrated

Refrain from sun exposure until the tan goes away

Consider using skin-lightening treatments or products.



Sun tan complications include:

Dark patches or hyperpigmentation;

dry, damaged skin;

premature aging of the skin;


Sunlight Raises Your Chance of Getting Skin Cancer

Skin cancer risk is significantly impacted by sun exposure and tanning.

In actuality, solar damage to the skin is a direct cause of many forms of skin cancer.

UV light exposure has been connected to squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. which is precisely what occurs when you sit in a tanning booth or lie in the sun.

Specifically, melanoma is a deadly type of skin cancer that can arise from excessive exposure to UV radiation emitted by UV tanning lamps and the sun.


How can you avoid getting a tan?

To prevent sunburn and related issues:

When spending time outside, wear protective clothing and look for shade

stay hydrated and moisturize frequently

avoid tanning beds and artificial UV sources

use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day.


sun tan


Is a tan everlasting?

Because skin naturally exfoliates over time, a tan is never permanent. The tanned skin starts to flake off as a result. Older skin sheds and is replaced by new cells.

But this can take time, and it doesn’t help with the other types of UV damage that might be more irreversible.


When do tans go bad?

It is believed that a tan will typically last seven to ten days. Even though tanning is actually discouraged because of the sun’s damaging effects, a lot of people nevertheless think that having a tan makes them look more appealing. Additional sun exposure may lengthen the longevity of your tan.


Some Home Remedies to get rid of Sun Tan

On the affected area, apply tomato juice. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse it off. To obtain the best effects, repeat this twice a week.

It can be effectively removed by applying a mixture of curd and honey to the afflicted skin area on a regular basis.

Tan removal and skin exfoliation are achieved using an excellent scrub made of sugar and lemon juice.


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